Knock, illness knock. Who’s there? Bacon. Bacon who? Bacon people is illegal, resuscitation you sick freak. —- Knock, knock. Who’s there? Egg. Egg who? Egg the cheerleaders — they’re all cunts.
Entries Tagged as 'other'
Overheard in Spaghetti Warehouse
June 15th, 2009 · 3 Comments · other
“Any tables available in the trolley car?” “I wish we were eating in that trolley car.” “Look, seek kids! There’s a trolley car in this restaurant!” “Eating the Incredible 15-Layer Lasagne in this trolley car is everything I dreamed it’d be.” “This antique shop smells like garlic. Is that trolley car for sale?” “How’d y’all [...]
Poll: Which Would You Rather Eat?
April 1st, 2009 · 2 Comments · other
1) Pistachios 2) Ann Coulter
Jeffrey Dahmer Posts a 25 Facts Note on Facebook
February 3rd, 2009 · 2 Comments · other
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, medicine you are supposed to write a notewith 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end,choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who taggedyou. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. (To do this, go [...]
I support home schooling
January 28th, 2009 · 1 Comment · other
I was home-schooled, information pills and look what I went on to achieve! I became a highly influential philosopher, visit this site political economist, health and revolutionary thinker. Not like some of these public-schooled Pol Potheads you see on Jerry Springer and Maury Povich and Hannity and Colmes and whatnot. Some people say that home-schooled [...]
Tags:home schooling