Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, medicine you are supposed to write a notewith 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end,choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who taggedyou. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, pastethese instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things,tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I killed Stephen Hicks.
2. I killed Steven Tuomi.
3. I killed James “Jamie” Doxtator.
4. I showed people my wiener at a state fair once.
5. I killed Richard Guerrero.
6. I killed Anthony Sears.
7. I killed Eddie Smith.
8. I had to get hernia surgery when I was 6.
9. I killed Ricky Beeks.
10. I killed Ernest Miller.
11. I killed David Thomas.
12. I killed Curtis Straughter.
13. I killed Errol Lindsey.
14. I killed Tony Hughes.
15. I killed Konerak Sinthasomphone (and kept his skull as a souvenir!).
16. I killed Matt Turner.
17. I killed Jeremiah Weinberger.
18. I killed Oliver Lacy.
19. Is anyone still reading this?
20. Some might say I have an adventurous palate.
21. I was discharged from the army after two years due to excessive drinking. Whoops!
22. In 1994, I was beaten to death in prison by fellow inmate ChristopherScarver. He used a bar from a weight machine while I was on work detailin the prison gym.
23. I killed Joseph Bradehoft.
24. I used to dissect dead animals as a kid.
25. I drilled holes in peoples heads. I wanted to turn them into zombies.
24. …though none of them turned into zombies after all! ;(
25. When I fart, it sounds like a choir.
by Hansel McRobertsworth
Hi, is this where I apply for food stamps for my 14–oop. oooof. uggggggh. oh! i just gave birth to a new set of nonupulets! Guess that means it’s time to go back for another round of in vitro! Can I borrow $2 for the bus?
Oh no! Jim Bob, that UNMARRIED woman has more children than we do now! How many times have I told you this week to take out the 26 bags of garbage and then get on me for some wholesome reproductive coitus? Hurry, I think the world is going to run out of religious nutjobs like us!!