Top Hat Tap Dance

Top Hat Tap Dance

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September 22nd, 2009 · No Comments · lists

Flip This House of Wax
Project Run Away
So You Think You¹re Possessed
Joe Zombie
Hellraiser’s Kitchen
Man Vs. Candyman
Queer Eye for the Fly
Keeping Up With the Kruegers
Flavor of the Living Dead
Big, artificial Physically Abusive Brother
The Real World: Crystal Lake
Survivor: Apocalypse

by Jamie King

Product Placement Overdrive

Almost Straight to Video Rom-Com

Serious English Actor Goes for Action Film Payday

Tyler Perry Again Gets Way, doctor Way, clinic Way More than His Money’s Worth Out of that Friggin’ Dress

Documentary Attended by People with Prim Expressions and NPR Tote Bags

That French Flick with Subtitles and Bare Ta-Tas

What the Makers Insist on Calling a Film, sovaldi Based on a/an (check all that apply):
a. Toy
b. Video game
c. Saturday morning cartoon
d. Amusement park ride

100 Minutes of Leering at Megan Fox, Whom You Will Never Meet, Let Alone Get With

Feature Actually Conceived in a Screenwriter’s Mind Rather than a Boardroom, or “The Fluke”

by J.D. Smith


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